
Personal Photography Exhibition in BeiJing 798 art zone

Zhongweixing -Personal Photography Exhibition in BeiJing 798 art zone


Photo by Zhong Weixing

Duration: Dec. 23, 2012-Jan.19, 2013

Location: BeiJing 798 art zone


Zhong Weixing photograph Lost Paradise in the northwestern desert during a hot summer in 2007,Combining the harsh desert with the original state of the human body.

In spring of 2011, "Lost Paradise" shot works to HK $110 thousand in the "healthy air" theme of Sotheby's Hongkong auction.

In Sep.2012, "Lost Paradise" was the most interesting exhibition in the Pingyao International Photography Festival,Won the jury award .

This exhibition featured 16 pieces of  "Lost Paradise", all Collectible print and mounting. The exhibition in Pingyao had caused a sensation of the true desert landscape of Populus euphratica will also reappear Gallery 798 exhibition hall.To coincide with the opening of the exhibition, the famous Mongolian band "HAYA band" will also give a wonderful performance in the desert of Hu Yangzhong.


